Page: Ocean Design Aquarium Quality livestock , service

Ocean Design Aquarium
7542 W. Addison St.
Chicago, IL. 60634
773-625-3474 ph.
773-625-3477 fax


Monday-Friday 12pm-6pm
Closed Thursday
Saturday 12pm-4pm
Sunday 12pm-4pm


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Home Saltwater Fish Freshwater Fish Live Corals Live Plants

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Welcome to Ocean Design Aquarium

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Chihiros lights in stock!

New Oase Scaperline 60 & 90 Tank and Stand Black or Grey!

New Oase Biostyle hang on filters in stock Thermo and regular!

Now in stock Thrive all in one ferts!

New Aquavitro shrimp hides ( tubes, huts, cubes, stars etc)

Now in stock Twinstar Version III SA and EA models!
Also all sizes of Twinstar B line in stock! New Twinstar C Version III,

Now In Stock Aquarium Co-op products including
Sponge filters all sizes, Power head that can power sponge filters,
Easy Green fertilizer, Easy Green Root tabs, Sponge pad coarse,
Pre filter sponge sm/md/lg, Apisto Cave, Easy Planter,
Brine Shrimp Eggs, Ammonia and Multi Test strips,